GTA 5 Map: It’s Not as Difficult as You Think

GTA 5 is breath-taking work that temporarily ranks second in global game sales. Its open game settings allow players to do everything they want in the game: you can get promoted and raise your salary. Become general manager, becomes CEO, marry Bai Fumei, reach the pinnacle of life. And you can beat female drivers and beat hard. The boss beat the rich second-generation and become a wanted criminal every minute. Right now, one can only guess how big the GTA 5 Map will be and whether it will be big at all. Moreover, it depends on which card from Grand Theft Auto to compare with.

Liberty city is very densely built up, and there is no place for meadows and fields. However, according to Rockstar, this situation could change completely in Grand Theft Auto V. There, the map will be “very large” due to the territories and terrain located outside the city. Remember the plantations with workers and the rolling green fields with windmills from the first GTA 5 trailer?

Gta 5 Map

How big is the map to carry so many things?

Let us first see where the story happened.

Los Santos, the background city for this work, is located in the southern part of San Andreas in the United States. It is a fictional city based in Los Angeles in the United States.  The game “Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas” also uses Los Santos as the background city.

  • The satellite picture of this city is like this aunt.
  • Los Santos, the official measured data is 126.9 square kilometers.

Well, I know that just talking about a number can’t satisfy you, humans. Let’s make a comparison. The first is the comparison of the GTA series and the map size of Red Dead Redemption.

Official stats

  • The map of the GTA5 game is 3.5 times that of “Red Dead Redemption” if you include water, it is 5 times.
  • Red Dead Redemption is 72 square kilometers.
  • The GTA5 map has a road area of ​​252 square kilometers
  • GTA SA is 36 square kilometers

To put it bluntly

The GTA 5 land map is 10 times larger than GTA4 and 7 times larger than SA without water.

Ok? It looks like the GTA 5 map is big!

  • Compared with legitimate defense (maximum), GTA5’s map is simply a scum.

Speaking of this, GTA 5 fans may not like to listen, but don’t worry. Let me talk about the mapping workload. Although the area is much smaller than the other games, the production workload is less than them and may even be larger. GTA5 is a real-world copy game. To restore Los Angeles on a large scale. Every scene of every store in every street on the map requires field inspections. Come back to build a sand table model, and finally, make the map model on the computer. And games like World of Warcraft are not needed-the models are all in their heads. The place where the GTA workload is the most is no longer the map. Still, in the RPG dialogue design, inside the TV program design, unlimited radio stations, and task dialogues.

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